Our Services

Experienced in assisting discharge and transitional teams

Reducing DTOC


Our teams work seamlessly with Discharge Units to reduce Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC) by enabling patient transfers to beds in, Care Homes, Community Hospitals, Specialist Units and Home.

Our aim is to be a proactive service, ensuring hospital flow is maintained, Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC) is reduced and critical discharge/transitional options are facilitated without delay.

D2A Pathway


We work with hospital teams where patients have been identified as medically fit for discharge.

These patients are not in need of an acute or community hospital bed but awaiting further assessments, either by Social Care or ICB to determine long term plan and funding.



We broker beds in care and nursing homes. on behalf of hospital trusts, ICBs and Social Care. By being in constant contact with care homes, we manage the market effectively and enhance local knowledge.

How to Find Healthcare will also facilitate Domiciliary Care Packages for those clients wishing to retain their independence by living at home.

Data Management


We provide valuable data based on referrals and placements made. Reflecting performance in reducing Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC) and highlighting key areas for improvement.

We are aware that accurate data is vital for the delivery of key reporting and in managing performance. The analytics we provide enables the Hospital Trust to better manage and measure resource, effecting key efficiencies throughout discharge and the overall process.

Palliative Care


Professional teams identify the cohort of patients in need of end of life care, and How to Find Healthcare finds placements in appropriate care settings within hours.

Working alongside accredited care homes that are on the GOLD STANDARD FRAMEWORK, and continuing health care specialists.

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Respite Care


We source temporary care for all client groups in Assisted Living Facilities, working diligently with our care home network to arrange placements for a set period.

All specialist client requirements will be met, whilst enabling full time carers to take a well earned break.

Reduce your Delayed Transfer of Care today